History of Diesel Injector Nozzles and Parts Reconditioning and Remanufacturing by DNR in Anaheim, California. Visit Diesel Nozzle Reconditioning Industries website at www.dnrind.com





Diesel Nozzle Reconditioning Industries, Inc., known as DNR, was established to provide quality reconditioning of diesel nozzles.

In early 1974, DNR founder Joe Bertola was working for a major fuel injection manufacturer supplying new parts to his customers.

Joe soon realized that many of those customers had perfectly good nozzles that could be rebuilt for continued service. He soon formed DNR, and began engineering the rebuilding process to service those customers. DNR has also expanded into supplying precision lapping and polishing of gas-flow components for the semi-conductor industry.

DNR has continued to grow in capabilities and capacity under the continued leadership of Joe along with the help of Mary Bertola, Mike and Maria Figueroa and all the employees in the shop.

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Diesel Nozzle Reconditioning Industries, Inc. website: www.dnrind.com

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